While walking back to the car in the Walmart parking lot, I heard laughing and screaming behind me. Passing on the right, was a shopping cart with 2 children and a dad driving.
Remember how when you were a kid, you would run as fast as you could with the cart and then hop on the bar and zoom up the parking lot?

Well, that's what he was doing. He sped past with a smile on his face and his feet on the bar. The kids were little, and they were screaming and laughing... It was adorable!
So... I told my sister that I wanted a guy like that. Who would play with our children. And then I said that actually, I would be on the shopping cart and my husband would tell me to slow down. But then I said, "He would have a kid in one cart, and I would have a kid in another cart and we would be racing to the car."
My kids will things that their parents are crazy. It will be a fun life :)
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