Wanna know what makes me dance inside?

I have a Valentine :) We met at EFY. I miss him. He's a sweetheart.
Ms. Stanton - My English teacher, She says that there are 90% of people who don't really like Valentines Day because they don't have a Valentine. and the other 10% love Valentines day because they do have a Valentine.
So... I decided that when I get engaged, I'm saying, "In *how ever many months/days*, I will finally be one of that 10%." Wait for it. It will be on here. When that day comes ;)
Happy Love Day. Yesterday. But seriously, make everyday Love Day. Every night, say something that you love. Tell yourself. "I love phones." "I love that person." "I love oranges." "I love when someone texts me sweet things."
Love, Jenny
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