Last Thursday, for mutual night, we had a lady from our ward come that works for and is a geneologist as her profession. Let's just say she's way cool. Well she talked about family history and geneology with us.
FUN FACT: You know that primary song, "Family history, I am doing it, my family history..." Well back in the day... ;) it used to be "Geneology I am doing it..." And I always thought in my little 7 year old mind, that it was spelled "Jennyology". Because my name is Jenny. I felt so special that there was a primary song that had my name in it. :)
Anywho, what fills me with giddyness and spiritual enlightenment is this.
On one of her slides there were some blessings we get from doing our family history. Number 4 hit me the most. Before we read off number 4, she says, "Now don't answer this but who of you ever wonder if the Plan of Salvation is real? This right here (pointing to number 4) gives me knowledge and a testimony that the Plan of Salvation is real. Even though in Sunday School, all it is is a bunch of circles and squiggles. Right?"
NUMBER 4: "The veil will become thin and spiritual experiences will be distilled upon this people."
First of all, how cool does that sound?
FUN FACT: In my patriarchal blessing, it mentions "...the veil will become thin..." and talks about my ancestors... PRETTY SPIFFY!!
Here's where that ties in. My Dad's mom passed away in July of last year, 2011. I got my patriarchal blessing in December of 2010. Roughly 6 months. (Are you starting to put it together?) "The veil will become thin..." The Plan of Salvation is true. OH MY GOSH! I just realized that I left out a key point here.
KEY POINT: I didn't cry when my grandma died. Not once. I have cried since, and maybe a little of that had to do with her, but I never cried just about her. And I totally believe that that is because of my knowledge of the truth that the Plan of Salvation is true. Yes she died. But she lives! With our Father in Heaven! She is in a better place! So when Sis. Cowan (the geneologist) said that this let her know that the Plan of Salvation is true, I thought, HECK YEAH IT IS!
Cool huh? Maybe not. Kinda personal...I guess you'd have to be me to understand but that's quite impossible seeing as I'm me. Sorry...
Sis. Cowan gave us a challenge. Share one of your favorite family history stories. Mine has to do with this picture below.
My Grandpa called my Grandma "Wag" or "Wagon" (so my sister says. I only ever heard Wag..." And I always wondered why he called her that? Wag? Really? Well, at my Grandma's burial in Colorado, I found out. My Aunt Geri told this story. (Geri is my dad's sister, Grandma's daughter)
"Dad always called Mom 'Wag'. He told me that a little boy's favorite thing is his little red wagon. He would take it every where with him. And Mom was Dad's little red wagon. She was his favorite thing, and he would take her every where with him." Isn't that precious!!!??
Super cute.
Do some Family History! You'll be blessed immensly!!!!

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