...been tempted to text someone you haven't seen in forever?
...sent that text?
...had an urge to smack a cup full of water out of someone's hand?
...tried to play the ukulele?
...belted your favorite song when no one was home?
...been peer pressured?
...curled up on the cushion of a big red chair and fallen alseep?
...gotten a cute voice mail from your best friend?
...danced to "So She Dances" by Josh Groban with someone?
...watched a sunset or sunrise on your roof?
...tried to have a party but no one could come?
...had a party but you didn't do what you planned on doing?
...quoted Psych 63 times a day?
...had a 20 second crush?
...tried to get over someone but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't?
...cried on someone's shoulder?
...cried yourself to sleep?
...seen a clock say 12:34?
...missed a sibling like none other?
...told a secret to a boy?
...jumped on a bed and accidentally jumped too high and hit your head on the ceiling?
...had Jennyloveitis? (Don't know what Jennyloveitis is? Read this.)
...people watched?
...felt meloncholy?
...written a blog post?
I have. And sometimes it's a blast. I love you readers. Thank you.
Love Jenny
Um... I think I've done ALL of those things! And I mean ALL of them! Love ya Jen! :)