Cited in the book "Jenny: Adventure, Love and Testimony" ,
it states
Adventurous~ (adj), Ad-vent-your-us: A word that describes Adding VENTure to YOUR life and telling US about it.
Yesterday, Aubrey and I decided to add this word "Adventurous" to our dictionary of life.
We ventured out to ask 2 boys to MORP.
"..we dressed up as musketeers and then made a very special pact".
(I'm sorry for that little.. thing, tangent if you will, just then. This post includes the mention of Aubrey so I had to put a PSYCH quote in it. I apologize. Continue.) One for me and one for Aubrey.
One of these boys, we saw twice whilst on our adventure. Once on the way there, he was walking home with his friends. And once on the way back, he had caught a ride from his brother (I think...) We were on his street! And might I add, that we started laughing so hard that it probably gave the whole scheme away. Thanks for that. So if you ask me, we were not very discreet. I'm pretty sure that when he saw the bag of fortune cookies on his doorstep, he immediately knew what it was and whom it was from. Now from your perspective, you are probably thinking, "Wow. Another wonderful Adventure in Jenny's life that she is going to be talking about for a whole 2 weeks."
(Alright fine. That part didn't really work but I had to get "your" in there somewhere.)
But for us, it was quite an adventure. I sure hope that Aubrey tells it at my wedding. So great and magnificent.
We continued to venture on to Aubrey's "MORP date's" house. The prediciment was that she only knew one way to his house and I missed the turn to get there. So we went on a wild Hippopotamus chase to find the right street, so that we could somehow get to his house. Don't worry. We found it...eventually. Good thing I know where Home Depot is. *winky face*
It was pretty grand. And ish. Grandish.
I'm blank. I'm sorry I ran out of fun and ridonculous words to use in this post.
I can't even think of how I was going to end this in a clever way. Gosh darn it.
Well, Sleep sweet and swellest of dreams to you all.
Swellest? I'm sorry. That just doesn't sound right.
Um...Pleasant? Pleasant sounds better.
Pleasant-est of dreams to you all.
Love Jenny
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