Saturday, April 30, 2011

Love Was Made For Me And You

I have a fedish with love stories. I have written 12. See what a Loon I am? Of course the main girl in most of my stories is based off of me, and I just imagine my perfect someone as the knight in shining armOr. Well actually I would describe the guy in my stories a boy in shiny tinfoil. I love my stories. I tend to day dream a lot. A Lot. Not even funny. HoweVer, I am super excited to get married. I know that's like 7-10 years away, but still. I can't believe how short it actually is. Interesting thing timE. I don't quite understand the whole concept yet. But I know I wiLl get it eventually. Maybe. Hopefully. I'm not going to share any of my stOries with anyone because they belong to me. I'm sorry. I might just share them once I get married to my someone. Maybe. I'm not promising anything.

What's funny about blogging, is that I haVe no clue about what to write about, then somehow I come up with either a quitE magnificent adventure of my day or something about love, or a post that incLudes my testimony in it. Shows what I love mOst in my life. AdVenture, Love and Testimony. I should write a book. An autobiography about me. (Thus, I called it an autobiography.) Jenny: Adventure, Love and Testimony. That sounds pretty lEgit. Or I could just name my blog that. Genius.

I usuaLly end in something random, or I start to type and my fingers just get this spark of energy and they fly. AcrOss the world and into the web. LoVe it. I went from writing about my love stories to a book about me and now I am just rambling on oncE again like I usually do. Oh how I love my crazy upside down and backwards life.

Have a good Sunday tomorrow. Fast and Pray for someone in need. I LOVE you all.


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