Friday, July 31, 2015

Mr. Glenn Miller

There's a vivid memory in my mind. I go back to it often when I'm in a happy mood (sometimes sad mood) because it makes life better.

It's a beautiful Summer Saturday morning. Mom just sang the BYU fight song to get us kids up out of bed. For another half hour, I lay in bed with my pillow over my head from trying to drown out the fight song that all of my siblings and I can sing from memory because it was the daily alarm clock. Another hour or so passes by and finally I'm up. Saturday was usually cleaning day. My older brothers were usually out doing other things, but all the girls would haul out the brooms and paper towels and help clean the house. Mom would open up the record player, and put on that of Glenn Miller Orchestra, "Down Memory Lane" or Louis Armstrong. Man that Satchmo. Sunshine poured through the windows that Maggie was washing, and Mom would push the vacuum around the front room. Mmm, that clean carpet smell. More like dust smell. Ann dusted the light fixtures and Erin wiped counter tops. While I'm sweeping the kitchen floor, finding cereal and leaves from a playful day before, I snap my fingers to the smooth beat of "Blue Skies" or move my hips to "Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White". The sisters dance along and we'd repeat the song several times, each time one of us slipping over to the record player and turning up or turning down the speed. We laugh to ourselves as the trumpets went up into high pitches and we'd dance faster.

That memory right there, the sunshine, the smell of windex and vacuum dust, the smiles on my sister's faces, giggles echoing through the house and Glenn Miller ringing in my ears is one of my most cherished. It's in my treasure box of memories. There's several in there because you know, my life is hard at times, and those memories that bring back smiles, and good feelings, are worth keeping for that purpose. To keep me happy. Reminiscing is one of my favorite things to do. Especially when I'm at work and I don't know what to listen to. I turn on Pandora and go through a few of my radio stations and realize I don't have a big band one yet. Here he comes. Mr. Glenn Miller playing Sunrise Serenade. Remember the good times in life. I can tell you that if you let them, they'll bring you through the bad times. And more importantly than remembering good times, make them. Make your days worth while. Make your time worth remembering down the road. Do something crazy. Do something you love. Spend time laughing with loved family and friends. And when bad times do come, remember that you are worth it, and your life is yours to create.

 "Everybody has problems. Everybody has bad times. Do we sacrifice all the good times because of them? No."

Have a great day friends! Do something worth remembering tomorrow!

P.S. This song. This is Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White. My favorite Big Band song. So fun.

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