Thursday, May 14, 2015


They encourage us to surround ourselves with people of our own standards. People who uplift, encourage, and love us. People who care about us and will be true friends to us all of our lives.
I have found those people. And I have been surrounded by them for the past 9 months. And those 9 months have been the best 9 months of my life.

My heart is so full. Last week was LDC Choir Tour. All week we visited seminaries and sang beautiful music and played silly games and spent time with a small portion of the youth of the church. Let me tell you, we have powerful youth. Our director, Brother Eggett’s favorite thing to do is ask random people to bear their testimonies. Every single high school student he chose bore a powerful and simple testimony. Some shared their conversion stories. Some were newly called missionaries. Some were young people who were going through a tough time and expressed how touched they were by one of our songs. It was incredibly humbling to stand there listening to these young people bear their witness of Jesus Christ and His Gospel.

My own testimony has grown immensely in the past year. I have become closer and more dependent on Jesus Christ. “He is my Redeemer, My Savior and King.” He is my Light. My Salvation. Jesus Christ is my friend. He is always there for me. I have seen His hand in my life more in the past 8 months than ever in my life. He has sent me angels, both from Heaven above and here on the earth in the form of friends. I have met so many wonderful wonderful people. I love these 80 people with all of my heart. They are so precious and dear to me.

In our tour book, one of the questions we were asked to answer was “What was a time someone in the choir acted as an “angel” to you or someone around you?” My answer wasn’t specific, because literally there are countless times that I have been touched by angels in the choir. But I want to just say thank yous to a few specific ones here right now.

+ Cody Whitlock for his hugs and always making sure I’m happy.
+ Preston Merchant for telling me I am beautiful.
+ Derek Collins for being my friend every day and shooting me sweet smiles.
+ Karisa Rosander for being an incredible example of Christ like love and selflessness.
+ Aubree Schill for being there to give me hugs after crying during a powerful song.
+ Madelyn Oveson, Aubree Schill, Melinda Furr, Jacob Rittmanic, and Derek Collins for encouraging me to share my talents. (Specifically asking me to make them things *winky face)
+ Amber Zibetti for telling me I look great and making me sing louder.
+ Kimberly Judkins for giving me and everyone else sincere compliments.
+ Sarah Judd for talking to me and becoming my friend.
+ AJ Payne for being a friend in times of loneliness.
+ Keith Eberhard for saying Hi to me enthusiastically every day.
+ Melinda Furr for checking up on me.
+ Ryan Jensen for sharing hilarious stories with me to make me smile.
+ Ryan and Angie Eggett for being an incredible example of a strong marriage to all of us.
+ Anna Olsen for being “cute” with me.
+ Charmaine Griffin for being an example of Courage and stepping outside your comfort zone.
+ Katie Brandley for always giving me hugs and her infectious laugh.
+ Taylor Johnson for keeping me laughing during the long performance weeks.
+ Amanda Farnworth for bearing strong testimony that she knows her Redeemer Lives.
+ Tyler Beagley for complimenting me on my nice color coordination and giving me great big hugs.
+ Jennifer Thurgood for smiling at me across the room.
+ Becca Slater for holding my hand while crying during Parent Night.
+ Jacob Rittmanic for always making sure I get a hug and a smile before he left class.
+ Alyssa Aramaki for asking me about my trips whenever I was gone.
+ Ryan Kent always smiling when he sees me.
+ Bethany Pehrson for reminding me constantly of my worth.
+ Bethany Bunting for carrying on pleasant conversations with me.
+ The whole choir was incredibly patient and cooperative with the making of the #Sharethegift video.

You see, that’s only 24 of the 85 wonderful souls I came to know the past few months. I could say something about each of them. I have never been so surrounded by people who love and care genuinely about each other. Even when we spend 12 – 14 hours together, and we’re all cranky and tired and annoyed with each other, we still find ways to serve one another and go out of our way for each other. I love these people. Last Friday, we all got together to say goodbye and to put everything away, and watch tour videos. At the end of the day, we all sang “Oh Sweet the Joy This Sentence Gives” and it was incredible. I started crying because of the power and unity of the choir. I looked around the room and was overjoyed, and just filled with love. My heart could have burst with all the love I felt for these friends. This family of mine. We truly became a family throughout the year.
I will forever be grateful for this year in LDC. I have grown so much in character and testimony. Certain people have made me come out of my shell a little bit and I am so grateful that they did so I could be a part of one of the amazing instruments in the Lord’s hands.

I love you Latter Day Celebration Choir.
#Jesuswashere #JesusIShere

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