Saturday, August 14, 2010

Spiritual High

I Am A Child Of God

I am a child of God. And so my needs are great. Help me to understand his word. Before it grows too late. Lead me. Guide me. Walk beside me. Help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do. To live with Him someday.
This is my favorite primary song ever. It helped me gain my testimony and made it grow even longer. The verse above is the one I love the most. He loves me and I know it.
This is my most spiritual experience was at Especially For Youth (EFY).
I was in the musical program and one of the songs we sang was I Am A Child of God. As soon as the music started, I started bawling. The spirit was so strong. Before we started singing, I looked at Paul, the councelor who was directing us. His eyes were watery and he was crying. Then I looked at Anna. The other director. Then I looked at Erin. She was bawling like me. My face was so red, I could feel it. When it was time for us to start singing, No noise was coming out of me. I had to lip sync because I was crying so hard. It was so amazing. As we were singing, I looked over at my group and I saw Gene bawling as well. It was really cool.
After Testimony meeting that night, we were walking back to our dorms and I was walking with Jayson in the back. Eugene didn't have a girl to escort. He came up behind us and said, "Hey Jayson. Can I escort Jenny the rest of the way? I need to talk to her." Jayson said it was okay.
Eugene came upto me and kind of pulled me back a little behind the group. He whispered, "Jenny, are you okay?" I was like yeah I'm fine. I told him that his testimony made me cry. So he was worried about me. I told him that this week was the best week of my life. And he said it was for him too. We started talking about testimony meeting and the musical program. He told me that it was his most spiritual experience. During I am a child of God, he said he prayed so hard that it was the most sincere prayer that he had ever said before. He asked if this was the true church and he got the answer immediately after. It was really cool that he bore his own witness to me that The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints was the true church, and that he knew it with all his heart. I told him that I knew it too. And how I felt up there singing my heart out because I knew that it is true. When we got to the crosswalk where my group and the boys group (Danica's group had already left) seperated. It was the last time that we could say goodbye. Eugene turned to me and gave me a great big hug. Best hug I have ever gotten from a guy before. It was so cool. I loved it. While we were hugging, he said," Jenny, thanks for helping make this the best week of my life. You are a really great person and I'll miss you so much." It melted my heart. Then I hugged all the other guys and we left them. It was so sad. I'll probably never see them again but I will love all of them for forever.
So that's the story of my most spiritual experience in my life. I encourage every teenager to go to EFY. It gave me my testimony and I know with all my soul that the church is true. I love it so much and I don't know what I would do without it.

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