Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Favorite Things Part 2

The last few months I have been thinking about more of my favorite things. I know. I know.
"More Jenny! Geez. Aren't you supposed to have a top ten list?"
Well yes. But I have more like a top 100 list. So here it goes. Sorry if I repeat some.
1. When birds chirp in the early morning
2. When the sun barely comes through the blinds when it rises
3. Star gazing
4. Cloud Watching
5. Fresh Hot-out-of-the-oven Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies
6. Playing the piano for my teacher and she says "You have made me a happy woman."
7. When Emma smiles at me
8. When I see Emma through the window and she starts jumping with her mouth open really big
9. Writing backwards
10. Swinging
11. Great big Grampa teddy bear hugs
12. The sound of a type writer
13. Speaking in sign language and only my friends and sisters can understand me
14. Imagining heaven
15. Dancing in the Rain
16. Laughing so hard my stomach hurts
17. Dancing like none other
18. Making up dances that are totally awesome with Erin
19. Crackers and butter
20. Leaping in a flowy skirt
21. Quoting movie quotes with my sisters
22. Megan Hatch
23. Sitting on Mz. Lines tables watching movies with my friends
24. Megan's Itouch
25. When I'm home alone and I can belt out my favorite songs. Really loud!
26. Making Ann laugh
27. Being called beautiful
28. Green Trees
29. Walking in the kelly green grass barefoot
30. Writing silly notes to my friends
31. Crying really hard
(I don't know why but I really love to cry. By myself.)
32. When everyone is bawling at girls camp during testimony meeting and you feel the spirit really strong.
K. I know I repeated a few. So I apologize. But I hope you got to know even more about me.
I love how the first part is poetic and then the rest is weird stuff. All of this is more like stuff that makes me feel good when it happens or when I do it.

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