Friday, December 27, 2013

I'm Jenny.


i write tiny love stories.
i daydream in video format with music.
if i could record and star in some of my videos, it would be a perfect world.
i'm a fan of ian axel (a great big world)
i like to listen to melancholy songs. 
if you watched me at work, you would be able to tell that i'm a dancer.
i love the name milo.
i have a playlist on grooveshark called "my movie playlist" which is basically all the songs that would be in the movie of my life.
i somehow attract all the guys i don't find attractive. at all.
and the one i'm attracted to the most is 5,942 miles away.

i just got on facebook to check the mileage above and spent the last hour looking through things. 

1 comment:

  1. "i somehow attract all the guys i don't find attractive. at all."

    Yup. I think that happens to a lot of people.
