Sunday, June 16, 2013


My daddy is my best friend.

He's taught me how important the temple is. How inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. He's taught me how to be a good friend. How to play with others. He's taught me how to be close with my family. He's taught me how to find things that make you happy and how important happiness is. He's taught me to go for my dreams and do all the things I want to do. He's taught me to cultivate my talents and he is always there supporting me or learning right along with me. He's taught me how amazing the gospel is and how it can help me through tough times. He's taught me how to love. How to laugh. He's taught me to be weird and to not let anyone take my personality away from me. He's taught me to find a man to marry who loves me and God and honors his priesthood. Because he is the perfect example to follow. He loves my mom and all of us kids, and he LOVES God and he honors his priesthood.

He is the ideal father. He was always happy to go on field trips with me. I remember the zoo, and hunting for fossils. He is always there to play with me. Whether it be from Ladder Golf to Badminton or riding the motorcycles around to cards tor Jamming on the guitar and ukulele or playing "Heart and Soul" on the piano. He's my hero.

I watch him play with my nieces and the little kids in the primary and I can't wait to have my own children and watch them play with him. He's the best Grampa to my brother's girls and I know it will be a blessing for my children to call him Grampa.

He always says "Thanks for being a good kid." Well it's all thanks to him. He's an incredible example of a parent, friend and leader. I'm so grateful to have him. He's amazing. I am also grateful that he's the bishop - the father of our ward. He does a fantastic job and I know that everybody loves him. I love him. When I started writing this, I started crying because I love and admire him so much.

There are a few phrases that I will always remember my dad saying.

"Give Dad 5 dollars."
"Don't fall down."
"Don't tell anyone your last name."
"You wouldn't want to meet that chicken in a dark alley."
"Thanks for being a good kid."

He will always be there for me. And I am truly grateful for him.

Now for my Father in Heaven.

Heavenly Father is amazing. He knows me. He talks to me. He shows me things about myself that help me with my future. He knows exactly how I listen and makes sure that I listen to Him because He knows best. 
 He's blessed me with so much. Literally, I am blessed. And I know it's all from Him. He knows me so well. He knows what makes me happy and when I ask for something to make me feel better He always knows what to do. One of the greatest blessings He's given me is a loving father here on earth. To love and protect me, to guide me and direct me. 

I love them both so much. I don't know what I'd do without either of them. 

Happy Father's Day Daddy. I love you very much. 

Love Little Red

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