Sunday, November 6, 2011


You know what I strongly dislike? Tension. Any kind of tension. Tension between friends, tension between a person and an object, tension between a person and an idea... But most of all, I strongly dislike tension between the family.

Family is the strongest unit of the church. It is the single most important thing that keeps the world together. Family is the most important thing to me. My family means everything. It is who I turn to in times of need. It is who I lean on when I can't stand any longer. It is who I rely on to keep me strong and faithful. But tension destroys all of that.

I believe that "tension" is one of the greatest weapons that satan uses to "drag us down to the gulfs of misery and endless woe". Tension destroys things.

Tonight I sit here at my computer typing this testimony of family to you, while in fact, my family is gathered together in my parents room, laughing and talking. So I'm kinda being an oximoron right now. But I feel that this is an important subject and that I need to share it.

One thing you should know. My family is tight. We love each other. We encourage each other. We know each other. But there are those occasions that come when we are loosened. When we have those split seconds where we think we don't love each other, when really after that split second, another family member gives you a hug and tells you that it's ok to cry. And the love returns. Those times when we don't know each other at all. When we don't want anything to do with our family.

Another thing you should know. My family has this thing where we interrupt each other. Frankly, I do it even though it is one of my biggest pet peeves. I'm just trying to tell a story and someone breaks in and starts telling their story. Well, first of all, I was telling a story. So please just be quiet. (Even though those usually aren't the words I use.) Second of all, what makes you think that you have the right to barge in and start talking while clearly I'm still talking! Third of all, I hate when people interrupt me and others for that fact.

Now usually, my family has a great time together and we have lots of fun and we laugh and joke and we write down funny things we say... but then one person, man. It only takes one person to wreck everything thats good. One person. One word. One action. Now I'm not blaming others in my family, because sometimes, (I admit I don't realize it until later) that I am the one causing the problems. And it's a good thing I realize it so I can change it.

I feel I have to share this. My sister comes over to me and says "Are you venting on your blog?" I say, "Yes." She says, "Are you ever afraid that when you vent on your blog, everyone and anyone can read it?" I say, "Sometimes. But usually when I vent on my blog, it's for a purpose. I learn a lesson or I go through something and someone out there needs to hear it so I share it just for them."

"I like your opinion because your pretty." Yes. This is the statement that my older sister just "stated" to me. These are the moments I treasure. People, family is the most important thing. Like a person in my ward said today in his testimony, "What can you take with you out of this life? You can't take your car, your house, your job. You can't take your fancy whatevers. Family. You can take your family out of this world with you."

I am grateful for the knowledge that I have that my family and I will be together forever. I am so grateful for my family and the good times we have. Even the bad because we learn from those bad experiences so we can continue to make more good ones. I love my family so so so so much.

Love, Jenny

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