Watch it to see.
Do you know how cool Moses is? I mean really? He's awesome! In seminary today, we studied that of Moses chapter 1. Before I start, right this very minute, go grab your scriptures. You might want a marking pencil too. I mean it. Go. I'll wait...........Ready? Awesome.
1) First I would like to state one of my favorite parts of Moses Chapter 1.

It's unfathomable. ;)
But to show you some proof, let us turn to Moses 1:13. Moses has just seen the glory of God and all the Earth and every single inhabitant thereof. (Even you. How cool is that?) He is overwhelmed by the power of God. Then in verse 13, Satan shows up. :/ Satan says, "Thou son of man, worship me" or something like that. Moses says, (in modern words), "No way man you're evil. I am a son of God. Get thee hence." (Vs. 16) Satan gets mad and throws a somewhat childish temper tantrum. "No! Worship me! I am awesome! Don't worship Jesus! I am cooler than he is!" Believe me. Satan is not cooler than Christ. Not even close. Moses again states, "Depart hence satan." (Vs. 18) Satan still rants on and Moses gets a little frightened. But he calls upon God. He stands up and says "In the name of the only begotten, depart hence, Satan." (Vs. 21) Now Satan is scared. He yells and gnashes his teeth and leaves.
Isn't it amazing what we can do when we call upon God and ask Him for help? Magnificent! But only if we do it in the name of Jesus Christ. I would like to refer to this story by my sister Erin. Read it. Truly amazing. The power of Jesus Christ. I cannot even put into words how powerful and...See!??
2) Verse 39. Remember that scripture mastery??
"For behold it is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
He wants so much for us. He wants us to succeed. He wants us back with Him. He wants us to lead a life of amazing adventures and truly testimony building experiences. He knows what we go through. He feels our pain. He feels our love as well. He loves us unconditionally. It makes me want to fall over, it's so cool!
Moses teaches us G.O.D.
Endless. Infinite. Almighty, All power. We. Are. His. Children. We have a father who can make the devil turn away from Moses. We have a father who can start a stupid lawn mower for us. (refer to Erin's story) We have a father who is Infinite. He watches us. He loves us with all of His heart. He wants the best for us.
Put your name into verse 4. Moses 1:4. "And behold, thou are my *son/daughter* (your name here). God is our father. AHHH! Now, read it aloud and slowly. Imagine Mufasa's voice from "The Lion King" saying it. Wait for it. Boom. It just hit you didn't it.
He called Moses "the son of man" We are not. We are children of the highest being. We are children of a God. Understand? We are His children! Satan hates us. He despises us. He tries everything in his power to snatch us to "Drag us down to the gulf of misery and endless woe." (Helaman 5:12) He fills our live with darkness. Fear. Struggle. However, if we call upon God in our time of weakness, if we use the power of God, he will leave. We just have to have Faith and believe that Heavenly Father will help us through. We have His power. His infinite power. Infinite. In-fin-ate. AHHHHHHH!!!!!
Thanks for sharing. You are awesome!!!