Yesterday, I was thinking of the songs my mother used to sing to my sisters and I when we were little. You would probably call them lullabies. Yes those special songs we grew up with. I hope to teach them to my children someday. The one below is my favorite.
You came from a land, where all was bright.
To a world half day and a world half night.
To guard you by day, you have my love,and you guard you by night, your friends above.
So sleep, sleep till the darkness ends.
Guarded by your angel friends.
So sleep, sleep till the darkness ends.
Guarded by your angel friends.
There is one standing softly by your bed.
And another sits close with a hand on your head.
There is one by the window, watching for the dawn,
And one waits to wake you when the night is gone.
So sleep, sleep till the darkness ends.
Guarded by your angel friends.
So sleep, sleep till the darkness ends.
Guarded by your angel friends.

And there was the one that goes:
Goodnight. Sleep tight. And pleasant dreams to you.
Here's a wish, and a prayer that every dream comes true.
And now till we meet again.
Adios, Au Revoir Auf Weidersein.
I just love mommies. I love them.
Thank you mommy for being the best mommy in the world.
I love you.
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