14 things that in my opinion, everyone should do, or have at least once in their lifetime.
1. Everyone should see and play in snow.
(Have a White Christmas)

2. Everyone should build a sandcastle.

3. Everyone should watch at least one episode of Psych.

4. Everyone should ride a motorcycle. With someone, or by yourself.

5. Everyone should feel awesome.

6. Everyone should have a chance to ride Jingles at Disneyland.
7. One of the most important ones, Everyone should have best friends.

8. Everyone should try one of my fantastic crepes.

9. Everyone should witness at least 1 rainbow. A double rainbow if possible.

Its chock-full of memories, laughs, smiles, favorite conversations and notes.

10. Everyone should own at least 1 journal.
This is mine. Tattered and torn. Shows how much I love it.
Its chock-full of memories, laughs, smiles, favorite conversations and notes.
11. Everyone should own a warm fuzzy blanket that keeps them warm
and keeps them happy when they are sad.
12. Everyone should own hugs once.
13. Everyone should have a bottle-opener.
Someone who you can vent to. Someone to open your bottle when it gets a little fizzy.
(If you like this metaphor, thank you. Ann and I made it up. Really Ann.)
People of the opposite gender work the best. (In my opinion)

14. And finally, everyone should have one true love.
That is my way of living. Make your own way.
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