What I absolutely Love about Emma.
She loves pushing the basket at stores.

Her Face

She loves playing the piano.

and she really gets into it.

She waves at people and says hi.
When I see Aric and Emma walking hand in hand.

She counts rocks. She points and we count for her.

She pulls grass and gives it to us.
She chugs chocolate milk.

Her simplemindedness just like her Aunt Jenny.
She sees someone through the window and
starts waving her hands and smiling like none other.
She gets so into Elmo's World and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
She counts rocks. She points and we count for her.
She pulls grass and gives it to us.
Her simplemindedness just like her Aunt Jenny.
(She really likes the sound of the blinds when you smack them.)

She loves the game Ring Around the Rosies.
She loves the game Ring Around the Rosies.
When we ask her if she wants to do it again, she nods her head and says yeah.

She really bounces and rocks on her horse.

Her obsession with Jo.

How she loves to pet her horse.

She really bounces and rocks on her horse.

Her obsession with Jo.
Whenever she sees him,
she looks at one of us and points to him.
She plays silly games with Grampa.
How she loves to pet her horse.
She loves playing peek-a-boo.

When she talks up a storm.

I love you Emma!
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